Friday, September 10, 2010

Where has the time gone?

It has been 2 years since the last time I "blogged" and I wonder if it's due to the fact that I no longer feel the culture shock of being a fish out of water in Australia.

There have been a number of life changing events these last 2 years. Instead of delving into my memories to share the details that most people would already know, I've outlined them below, just in case you have no idea what has been going on with me.

Chronologically, the big events have been:

1) Stopped work
2) Had a baby
3) Bought a house
4) Renovated the house
5) Went back to work
6) Jackson's operation
7) Baby is 1 year old

That pretty much brings us to today. :)

I'm not sure if I'm cut out to "blog", but we'll see how this site has a revival...

Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy 2008!

I can't believe that it's already 2008. I looked at my last post which was in October and it really surprised me at how quickly time has been marching on. Since October, we've gone to NY for Thanksgiving, Come back for 2 crazy weeks, and in celebrated Christmas with Jackson's family in Tangalooma and the Gold Coast. It's hard to believe that that was all in 2 months.

But now, I'm suffering from some sort of jet lag that gets me up at 5:30 in the morning. The funny thing is that Queensland is 1 hour behind technically it was 4:30 am. I think it must have been the kebab I had yesterday for dinner. But it's just me in the apartment. Jackson doesn't get back for another couple of days, so I've had a number of dates with the laundry machine.

But what have I done since 5:30? Well...I checked facebook (as usual) and then psyched myself to fulfil my new years resolution which was to go to the gym more than last year. Well...I think I'm doing pretty well so far (and it's only been one). Don't get me wrong, I enjoy exercising with my ballet and yoga and stuff, but the idea of running on a treadmill/elliptical, just doesn't get me going. But I decided that after being called "unfit" by my mother-in-law that I should at least try to make an effort...thus the new year's resolution - go to the gym more than last year. :p

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Over 2 weeks later... it's been like 2 weeks and the moths are still here....that's right...still gross and yellow... BUT at least they're not coming indoors anymore. This is just gross...

AND as if the moths weren't enough, there are FLIES everywhere! MY GOODNESS! I have so many bites...and people say flies don't bite...BS.

I don't know if I like the spring anymore....

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Okay, so I have had enough. If you were planning to visit Sydney in October, please do not. It is the most disgusting time of the year. No...not the weather - which is beautiful and in the middle of spring, but the city has been infested by moths. Most of you know that I hate hate them. I can't stand them, and unfortunately I can't even kill them cause they gross me out. That's why I like the city - once in a while you will get a rogue mosquito or a spider, but this past week has been like no other. Apparently the winds have forced millions and millions of moths off course and into the city. They are attracted to light, and apparently even with the doors/windows closed, they still somehow find a way to get into our 27th floor appartment. We're not talking about 1 or 2 in a day, we're talking about 1 or 2 in an hour. It's just revolting. They are the size of a half dollar, and their guts are just disgusting. Our resident moth killer (my husband) has used our fly swatter way too often, that now the yellow colour has been covered with brown...anyway, too much information.

Yesterday, we sprayed our balconies and Jackson was dancing in moth guts...anyway, too much information again. To avoid the smell, we decided to go to the golf range to clear the air, and low and behold, the columns were swarmed with millions of moths, and just as I was going to take a hit, one would come and hit me in the head - disgusting. They're just everywhere.

This picture I found is a mild version of what's going on here...

This is just gross. They say they will be gone in a week...yeah right.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

APEC Weekend and Melbourne!

Last week, Sydney hosted the APEC conference. We had helicopters flying all around the city, roads being blocked off, police check points. It was nothing like I had seen before in this city so far. Whenever the presidents/prime ministers came in from the other countries, they would block off major roads for hours at a time. There was quite a bit of grumbling in this city about how much money had gone into Sydney's hosting this meeting. Even some guys on a TV show tried to break through security gates. (I don't know if you guys saw the TV show, Chaser's War on APEC, but here's a clip from youtube )
We were given an unofficial holiday at work because we were close to the city CBD. So with a three-day weekend, Jackson and I went to Melbourne!

This was my first trip to Melbourne and I was really excited! I had heard that it is a great city with great shopping. So...the first day, Jackson and I walked around the city, visited the Old Melbourne Gaol (Jail), went to the Pixar exhibit, and went to see Ratatouille. The next day, we took a drive out to the Dandenongs and rode on the last steam train in VIC, Puffing Billy and visited the Fairy penguins down on Phillip Island.
The penguins were ADORABLE! They would come scurrying up the beach and if they got scared for any reason, they would turn around and all of them would go running back into the water. If they mustered up the courage then they would continue waddling up the beach to their homes. My favourite little guy was this little fat one who was so out of shape that he would take a couple of steps, then lie down to catch his breath and then start all over again.
The only bad part of the trip was that my sister-in-law got really sick, probably because Phillip Island was FREEZING. Otherwise...I had such a great time down in Melbourne. The city is so beautiful (especially since it wasn't raining) and the buildings are absolutely gorgeous. Te city has so much charm and history.
I can't wait to go back...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thirteen Months Later

So...I realised just the other day that it's been over a year since I've been in Australia. Can you believe it, a year! And what have I accomplished since then?

Well, I was just looking at the beginning of my blog, the beginning of life in Sydney as I knew it and boy have things changed.

It's been 13 months. In these 13 months, Jackson and I have already moved twice in the same city, I now can drive in Sydney city and can get to 6 locations by myself, go grocery shopping, pull money out without having to actually look at the numerical value on it, and start understanding the lingo. I no longer cock my head in confusion when I hear things like, She's alright (when not referring to a girl) Or Ta. I've learned not to use words such as "Fanny-pack" "flip-flops" "root" "fall" or "cell phone" (see translation below) I have a job that I love, and find myself busy with meeting up with friends.

I don't feel like a local, and not sure if I ever will. But in the year so far, I've done okay. There have been some ups and some downs and some in betweens. Wow...13 months have already passed - it certainly doesn't feel like it.


She's alright = Everything is fine
Ta = Thank you
Fannypack = bum bag - do NOT say fanny, for a man does not have a fanny.
Flip-flops = thongs (for your feet yes)
Fall = Autumn
Cell phone = mobile

Daffodil Day

Happy Daffodil day to all!

Friday, we took to the streets and sold daffodil day merchandise (bears, pins, pens, balls, magnets, you name it...) to anyone who wanted to support our fight against cancer. It was remarkable. The whole city was littered in yellow and the daffodil farmers made pretty much they're annual sellings on this day. Daffodils are symbols of the Cancer Council and people think we're doing a great job.

This year, my first ever daffodil day, I was team leader at 2 locations. I could barely sleep the night before cause I was so nervous! But when we started at 7am in the morning and then ended at 7pm at another location, I was absolutely exhausted. I couldn't stand on my feet any more, and I just crashed when I got home. Last year, the Cancer Council in NSW raised 2.8 million dollars, that's right 2.8 million in one day! Who knows what we have raised this year. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Big Changes...

So this week I heard the best news from 2 of my dearest friends back in the U.S. It was a wake-up call to the fact that time waits for no one. While I've been out here in Sydney settling into a country and culture that took a bit of time, I have heard some of the GREATEST news. I have been floating on air after hearing the good news, however, I can't help but feel sad that I couldn't be closer to the news or to these people to show them how excited I am for them. Seriously, the best news - one has just gotten engaged and the other will be having a baby in December.

Congratulations you guys....